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Taking Notes

Parallel Workshops

** Will be conducted in Cantonese

Day 2 (27 Oct 2023)

Parallel Workshop 2A

Preventing intergenerational transmission of domestic violence: Our project experiences

Speakers:    Mr. Gabriel Pui-yan CHAN

                     Project Supervisor

                     Harmony House


                     Mr. Max Ka-ho LAU

                     Registered Counselling Psychologist

                     Harmony House

Moderator: Prof. Ji-kang CHEN

                    Associate Professor 

                    Department of Social Work

                    The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Childhood exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) and other adversities has been shown to have short and long-term adverse effects on health and well-being not only in childhood but also throughout the lifespan. There is a clear intersection of adverse childhood violent experiences (as a victim of child abuse and/or exposure to IPV) and IPV victimisation/perpetration later in adulthood.


Jockey Club Project Stride aims to break the cycle of intergenerational transmission of domestic violence with a three-tier service model. It helps to heal the adults who are victims of historical family violence and also enhances the resilience and public awareness of the impacts of intergenerational violence. We will involve the survivors who overcome the traumas to be the supportive “buddies” and join the service delivery of public education and clinical work. In this workshop, we would share our project experiences in caseworks, group works and community works in order to stop the cycle of intergenerational transmission of domestic violence.

Parellel Workshop 2B

Mindful connections: Enhancing well-being for university students, families, couples & young children through Bodywork and Mindfulness Programmes

Speakers:     Prof. Timothy Yuk-ki LEUNG

                     Associate Professor of Practice in Social Work

                     Department of Social Work

                     The Chinese University of Hong Kong


                    Ms. Hoi-yan LO 

                    Social Worker

                    Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

Moderator: Prof. Timothy Yuk-ki LEUNG

                    Associate Professor of Practice in Social Work

                    Department of Social Work

                    The Chinese University of Hong Kong



This project is jointly organised by Hong Kong Family Welfare Society Zonta Club White House and Department of Social Work, CUHK.

In light of the increased stress and mental health problems experienced by families and individuals in Hong Kong, mindfulness interventions have been used to help clients and families to manage their stress and enhance their wellbeing. Nevertheless, many people, especially those suffering from trauma, find classical mindfulness programs that use sitting meditation or contemplative approaches difficult. Some have reported experiencing flashbacks and intrusive thoughts, making it challenging to use mindfulness strategies to regulate their emotional distress.


This project aims to provide various types of bodywork and mindfulness programmes, including mindfulness focused on the five senses and relational connections. For instance, parent-child mindfulness programmes and couple mindfulness programmes can help families and intimate partners enhance their capacity for emotion regulation. Additionally, through structured activities such as frame drumming, mindfulness stretching, and even art activities, participants can learn how to enhance their awareness and soothe themselves during times of stress.

Parallel Workshop 2C

Community development 2.0 - Building social capital by facilitating multicultural exchange × spiritual well-being

Speaker:     Ms. Lap-man LAW


                    Multicultural Connection

Moderator: Dr. Eric Kwok-wai AU YEUNG


                    Department of Social Work

                    The Chinese University of Hong Kong


The workshop will facilitate participants to imagine the possibility of integrating spirituality into social work practice by using the concept of promoting spiritual well-being as an example. The workshop will include sharing from the founder and volunteers of Multicultural Connection (FB Page:, an independent agency to build social capital and positive community by facilitating multicultural exchange and promoting spiritual well-being. Interacting art jamming activities will be conducted during the session.

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